What Art Feels Like

I’m so pleased my work is included in a group show at the M.G. Nelson Gallery at the Springfield Art Association in Springfield, IL - it runs through the month of April. “What Art Feels Like” is an exhibit that provides viewers an opportunity touch the art on display.

The show was developed by artist Rosemary Buffington in partnership with the Educational Center for the Visually Impaired, and is intended to give all audience members a way to experience the art. In just the final week, the show was visited by three large groups, including the Springfield School District Special Needs Students; the Mary Bryant Home for the Visually Impaired; and the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired. Isn’t that something? I find it so incredible that a gallery show has been curated for and so actively visited by the visually impaired community. The experience includes an app and audio tour that reads descriptions of each of the pieces.

My work in the show includes a large sculptural basketry knot - Chain Sinnet #2868 - and a handful of super-touch-friendly texture studies (including Ned II and Ted, pictured above, and Thingamajig, below). Both sets of work, although different in appearance, are ways in which I explore ideas of comfort. I hope visitors enjoyed “seeing,” and experiencing, the pieces.


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